Friday, February 23, 2007

Rejoicing in the day!

Ps 118:24
24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. KJV

I have a choice when I get up in the morning of beginning my day being thankful or getting up grumpy and out of sorts. If I get up with a joyful attitude my whole day goes better. When I get up with a rotten attitude it seems that my whole day goes that way. I know I make the choice if I am going to rejoice and be glad for this day. How about you? Do you find when you begin the day thanking God for His goodness and peace that you day goes better than if you don't? Do you find if you get up out of sorts that everyone around you seems that way also.
The Lord said He has made this day. We are to choose to rejoice in it.
As I was reading this scripture this morning, I had got up to let my dog out and realized it was snowing. Now I was supposed to go to Salem (about 25 miles away) for some lab work. When I saw the snow instead of getting upset I just changed my plans for the day. I am enjoying the beauty of the snow. My dog loves for me to throw snowballs so she can catch them. What could have turned out to be a bad day by my getting upset over the weather has turned out to be a fun day.
I don't know about you, but I intend to enjoy my day and even rejoice and be glad in it.

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