Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Little foxes!


It is a wonderful, frosty morning here on the farm. I don't know what today holds for me, however yesterday was an interesting day. I inadvertently put some liquid dish soap into my dishwasher thinking it was dishwasher detergent. Took me almost 3 hours to get out all the soapsuds. Now I could have yelled, said some bad words and other things, however I chose to keep a pleasant attitude. In fact I used that time to visit with the Lord.

I kept thinking about the verse in the Bible of the little foxes that destroy the tender grapes.

Song of Solomon 2:15 (King James Version)
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

Sometimes it seems to me it is the little foxes that strive to get me upset. I seem to handle the major things more, but then I think that usually it's not one little thing, but several bunched together that begins to wear on me. If I can take them one at a time and think what to do or ask God to help me I don't seem to get so weary.

For some people I think it's the little things all coming at them at once that causes them to act the way they do. To begin to question if God is really real. To begin to doubt, thus causing them to begin to slip away from their belief in the Lord. Watch for the little foxes and destroy them before they try to spoil your relationship with Jesus.

Remember Jesus is your load bearer. He will see you through. He is ever faithful. He is ever true. He is ever worthy to be praised, no matter what!

God Bless!


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