Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fishing for Men!

Dear all,
It is a rainy morning here. Now I won't have to water my flowers, God did it for me.
Saturday the 23rd, I was at the coast with some of my brothers and sisters. We were window gazing in Depoe Bay when my brother Chuck saw a t-shirt and said "Here's one Joy could use in her daily devotional" or something similar to that effect. After pondering on it and looking at it, I decided to use it this morning.
Luke 5:4
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

You need to realize Simon (Peter) as most of the Disciples were fishermen. It was their means of income. They had fished all night and didn't catch anything. Here comes Jesus in the morning and uses Peter's ship to teach the crowd of people. When Jesus is finished using it he tells Peter to launch out. The key here is that Peter obeyed and did what Jesus asked him to do. If he had stayed in the shallow water, he wouldn't have caught the fish.
In verse 10 the latter part Jesus told Peter, James and John "from this time forth you will catch men".
In Matthew 4:19 Jesus said
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
I dearly love to fish, but as much as I love to fish; it is more important for me to be trying to witness to people, and help them find Jesus.
Sometimes as the saying on the t-shirt I get busy taking care of the things at home or even helping others, including doing things for the Lord that I forget Jesus wants me first and foremost to be a soul winner for Him.
Have a great day fishing!

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