Friday, April 6, 2007

Peace Born of Conflict

Psalm 66:12 (Amplified Bible)
12You caused men to ride over our heads [when we were prostrate]; we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out into a broad, moist place [to abundance and refreshment and the open air].
"A man is only at rest who attains it through conflict. This peace, born of conflict is not like the deadly hush preceding the tempest, but the serene and pure-aired quiet that follows it." Taken from Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Cowman.
I think of myself and when I went through the fire literaly. I got burnt in the face in February 2004. It was a most intense pain, and yet I felt the Lord so close to me. I have grown so much and learned much walking through the fire. He has indeed brought me to a wonderful place in Him. I know I have become closer to the Lord than I ever was before. I can also relate and have compassion for those suffering. I am walking in abundance; and I praise God for it. He will see you through each trial and difficult situation if you let Him.
May you have a blessed day in the Lord.

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