Sunday, March 23, 2008



To many people Easter is just another boring day. But, to many, many people it is a special day! Because of what Easter means we have HOPE! LIFE! PEACE! and JOY! just to name a few words that describes how we can feel, because of the BIRTH, DEATH, and RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD!

You see His birth was not enough, His birth and death was not enough, His birth, death, and Resurrection were not enough. It took all of these and His ascension into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father to be complete. Thru the life blood of Jesus, He gave us redemption from our sins. When we ask Him to forgive us of our sins and strive to live for Him, that is the true meaning of Easter.

Matthew 28: 6
He (Jesus) is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the LORD lay.

Because of Jesus' love for us, His death was the supreme sacrifice for our sins. Just makes me want to shout!

Today as you go about your day remember this comment by Billy Graham

"Jesus Christ died on a rugged cross for our salvation. We do not worship that cross; we worship Christ, who is alive. Yet among all the emblems of the world, the cross is admired with awe and wonder."

Father, as we go about this special day, may we keep in mind the suffering Jesus went through for our salvation. Let us remember to take time to give you praise. Because, without Jesus dying on the cross and rising again we would have no hope of spending eternity with you. Thank you, Father. Bless and keep each of us and may we experience your love for us in a fresh way I pray.

Have a most blessed day!


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