Thursday, January 24, 2008

Eating God's Word!

Good morning,

What a glorious day this is going to be! I am excited! Good things are happening in our families. What wonderful news that God is on the move; Or maybe I'm on the move for God which makes the difference.

Jeremiah 15:16
Your words were found, and I ate them; and Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.

I am finding the more I am into God's Word, the sweeter they become; not only are they sweeter but they are making sense. I am so glad God's Word makes me feel joyful and my heart rejoices. I am called by His name. Which means I need to walk worthy of the name of God. How about you, do you eat the words of the Lord. The SUPER GREAT THING about eating the Word of God is there are no calories, fat, sodium, sugar or anything else that we strive to watch in our daily lives to help our physical bodies. That right there makes me want to eat more of the Word.

Father I would ask today that you enlighten each heart that reads this devotional to your Word. May they develop a desire to read your Word, and to apply it to their heart so they will experience the peace, and joy that comes only from you.
Thank you Father.

Have a great praise filled day.

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